'Udyoginam purusasimhamupaiti laksmi
deivena deyamiti kapurusa vadanti;
Daivam nihatya kuru paurusam-atmasaktya
yetne krte yadi na sidhyanti ko'tra dosha - '
'Laksmi or Fortune runs with blessings to that lion among human beings who is industrious', 'the low level human beings, kapurusa, says that he or she depends on one's own destiny'. So, the verse says, 'throwing away all concept of destiny', 'through your own innner strength, be industrious, be active'. Yetne krte yadi ne sidhyanti, ko'tra dosha? 'in spite of all your efforts, if you did not get exactly what you wanted, what is wrong with it?'. That intense struggle, that effort, is that important thing.